An easier way to rank ideas. Pairwise Ranking Tool

Rank ideas or projects through comparison. Easily invite other people. Modern and intuitive pairwise rankings - ready in just a few clicks.
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Which project is more important?
Selecting from two alternatives in pairwise ranking
Trusted by leaders
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Easy-to-use pairwise comparison rankings for faster decision-making

Rank alternatives in a head-to-head comparison.

Rank simpler

Super-easy, intuitive pair rating.

Rank 10x faster

Fast-ranking due to SMART algorithm.

Have better insight

Clear insight from data-driven rating scales.
Compare process
Final Ranking List Ranked by a Team of Eight People

Compare all elements 10x faster

When you fill out a Prioneer ranking, our SMART pairwise ranking system fills in missing pairwise winners while you rank, and only asks you about the pairs that are missing to create a unique ranking. It takes just about 5 minutes to rank 100 elements.

Use different scientific rating scales

Choose the rating scale you need: use a simple select scale for quick rankings, or use a preference scale with intensity to see gradations the importance of elements.
Pairwise comparison in which better element can be selected ot both elements can be rated equal

Rank long lists quickly. Simply choose the winner by clicking on the preferred element.

Have a clear sequence from the most to the least important element without getting into the nuances.
Pairwise comparison in which better element can be selected by clicking the intensity of preference on a preference scale

Get clear, quantitative insight. Choose the winner by selecting the intensity of preference.

Get extremly precise results. Differentiate if something is twice as good or just slightly better. Have real relative scores. Explaining why one element received a score of 90 while another received a score of 70 can be more tangible than just saying one element is more important than another.

Conduct pairwise rankings collaboratively to align on decisions

Act proactive, instead of reactive. Avoid inefficiencies, missed opportunities, and conflict by involving the right people into ranking and decision-making.
Collaborative priotities set by two people

Easily share the ranking link


You control who can see results


Remote collaboration, without meeting

The easiest way to do pairwise ranking online

Most approaches for ranking a list of alternatives are cumbersome, slow, and lack collaboration options. Prioneer's pairwise ranking tool is made to allow individuals and teams to do the method simply and fast.

Rank within minutes, with ease

Don’t fiddle around with spreadsheets or complex tables. Our interactive comparison method prompts you with two choice options and lets you intuitively answer one pair at a time. You can focus on prioritizing your items.

Evaluate alternatives using multiple criteria

What if you cannot clearly decide a winner in a direct comparison between two alternatives? Prioneer allows you to do use multiple criteria for evaluating alternatives and creates one uniform ranking from your evaluation.

Speed mode for faster comparisons

A large number of choice alternatives can lengthen the time to select a winner for each possible pair during the comparison. Prioneer's unique speed ranking mode predicts your final ranking based on your first few answers and shows you the ranking even before you rate all pairs.

Hurdle-free collaboration

Invite people to your ranking via link. When you host a Prioneer ranking, all people you invite can do the pairwise comparison individually. As the host of the ranking you can see the ranking of the whole group.

Ranking agreement

For rankings that involve multiple people, Prioneer will automatically show you how much all participants agree on the importance of an alternative. The 'agreement score' show you the concensus and thereby helps you to spot misunderstandings and to reveal the reasons why one choice options matters more when compared to another.

Team mode or survey mode

Prioneer let's you create ranking surveys. Our flexible permissions allow you to control if participants can only submit answers or if they also can see the final results. Also you can allow participants to make new proposals while they compare or to leave comments on choice options.

Rank things by importance and unlock your team's productivity.

teams get more clarity on priorities and reach alignment faster
increase in company time spent on most relevant projects
team productivity boost through clear focus and higher motivation
faster achieving goals by focusing on things of highest business value

Find out what matters most

You have multiple alternatives that seem equally good? With Prioneer, you can rank projects or ideas by relative importance to get a clear statement on which of your choice options is the more important one or which of your problems is truly the biggest one.

Take action faster, with focus

Evaluating absolute importance by asking “How important is that project?” is more difficult than asking “Which project is more important?”. Prioneer's pairwise ranking is relative and will always give you clear, actionable priorities.

Get stakeholder buy-in

Priorities can only be effective, if everyone is aligned. That's why our solution allows you to rank together with your team or other people, and helps you to reveal the reasons why people think that one alternative is more important than the other one.

Security & Trust

Prioneer upholds stringent security, reliability, and privacy standards, complemented by advanced security and administrative controls. All data transmission is entirely over secure SSL.

Your data is stored in Germany only and will never be sold.
We use secure ISO 27001 certified cloud services for data storage. Data encryption in transit and at rest per default.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Double your productivity, like they do.

Trusted from startups to Forbes 200. Join over 500 companies and prioritize the right things.

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“Prioneer helped me establish an environment where stakeholder feedback plays a crucial part in product decisions. Clean and structured survey results make it very simple to separate 'must-haves' from 'nice-to-haves'.”

Alexander Zakharov

Director of Product at Taxdoo

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“The tool met my immediate expectations providing a means to force rank multiple items.”


US and international consulting

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“The team rating allows us to quickly prioritize as a team, without having to discuss each project one by one. We save a lot of time, and the entire team has clarity regarding which of the new projects we expect to have the greatest impact.”

Stephan Eyl

CEO at Fanpage Karma

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“Prioneer has been game changing for our work.”

Cesar Valdivia

Editor in Chief at BOCETO magazine

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“I was looking for a way to make people do individual scorings to avoid group thinking and make their own assessments first, and then we'd make changes after that in discussion. Thank you!”

Project Management Consultant

Consulting for industry leaders in automotive, fashion & consumer technology