Make Group Decisions with Ease

Find a common opinion and reach group agreement within minutes, even for hard-to-make decisions. Rank alternative choice options together.
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Ranking Survey Answering Example
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Agree on hard-to-make decisions with any number of people

The more people, the more complicated to make a group decision. Prioneer makes it simple to collect preferences and reach agreement.

Start a group ranking

Add alternative choice options and let participants rank their preferences. No complex setups.

Share a link and collect opinions

Invite people via secret link or add them to your Prioneer workspace.

View the order of preferences of the group

View the favorite options of the whole group: the first best alternative, the second best alternative, etc.

Better than “votings”. With Prioneer Rankings you avoid selecting the worser option.

We are obsessed with data-driven decisions. That’s why we think making the correct decision matters.

Regular votings without Prioneer

You select NOT the best option

Imagine you want to choose a new logo. You plan a voting poll with 30 people. You want to select the best logo out of 10 based on the highest vote count. 29 of 30 people like Logo A and also like Logo B. Those 29 people also think Logo A is better than Logo B. 1 of 30 person likes only Logo B. What happens in your voting: Logo A gets 29 votes. Logo B gets 30 votes. (other logos omitted, not relevant for example) Your decision: You choose the worse Logo B, because the high vote count makes you think it’s the better option. But based on the real group opinion, Logo A is the better choice.

With Prioneer Rankings

You select the best possible option

Participants have to sort all options by preference. We use pairwise comparison to make it easier for a participant to make a choice. Prioneer merges the preferences of everyone into one group preference, accounting for everyone's relative preferences. In a Prioneer Ranking (same example as before): Logo A gets Rank #1. Logo B gets Rank #2. (other logos omitted, not relevant for example) Your decision: You correctly pick the better Logo A, based on what the majority of people consider as the best Logo.

Add Choice Options. Share. Done.

Evaluate multiple criteria

Use multiple criteria to evaluate choice options. View total results and ranking results per criterion.

Use our agreement report to spot misunderstandings

View the total ranking and the agreement (concensus) of all people in the group for each of your items. To get further insights, you can also see rankings of individual persons and analyze segments within your group of repliers.

Invite anyone via link

Let people of your group join a ranking without the need to signup. Just share your rankings via link. Also you can include them in your website or launch them inside a online shop or web application as a widget.

Choose your group decision making method

Select between the methods pairwise comparison and decision matrix to let your team evaluate items. Customize the criteria and formular in your decision matrix to make decisions suit to your goals.

Have better decision-making for your business and unlock your teams productivity.

teams get more clarity on priorities and reach alignment faster
increase in company time spent on most relevant projects
team productivity boost through clear focus and higher motivation
faster achieving goals by focusing on things of highest business value

Security & Trust

Prioneer upholds stringent security, reliability, and privacy standards, complemented by advanced security and administrative controls. All data transmission is entirely over secure SSL.

Your data is stored in Germany only and will never be sold.
We use secure ISO 27001 certified cloud services for data storage. Data encryption in transit and at rest per default.

Double your productivity, like they do.

Trusted from startups to Forbes 200. Join over 500 companies and prioritize the right things.

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“Prioneer helped me establish an environment where stakeholder feedback plays a crucial part in product decisions. Clean and structured survey results make it very simple to separate 'must-haves' from 'nice-to-haves'.”

Alexander Zakharov

Director of Product at Taxdoo

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“The tool met my immediate expectations providing a means to force rank multiple items.”


US and international consulting

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“The team rating allows us to quickly prioritize as a team, without having to discuss each project one by one. We save a lot of time, and the entire team has clarity regarding which of the new projects we expect to have the greatest impact.”

Stephan Eyl

CEO at Fanpage Karma

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“Prioneer has been game changing for our work.”

Cesar Valdivia

Editor in Chief at BOCETO magazine

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“I was looking for a way to make people do individual scorings to avoid group thinking and make their own assessments first, and then we'd make changes after that in discussion. Thank you!”

Project Management Consultant

Consulting for industry leaders in automotive, fashion & consumer technology